What are they? 

These airy little cheese-flavoured choux balls are just about the most moreish thing you will ever encounter. Think profiteroles but savoury. Made using Gruyère or Comté, gougères are a classic appetiser or party snack, and just perfect with a glass of wine. 

Where are they from? 

Burgundy, although their origins are murky to say the least. It’s thought that choux pastry – pâte à choux – was invented in the 16th century by Caterine de’ Medici’s pastry chef. And while one of the earliest mentions of gougères is on a 1571 wedding menu from the town of Sens, in the Yonne department, is it the village of Flogny-la-Chapelle, also in Yonne, which for 30 years has hosted the annual Fête de la Gougère in May. Flogny-la-Chapelle is also the HQ of the Guilde des Goûteurs de Gougères and claims it is the birthplace of gougères, courtesy of a baker named Liénard who lived in the village in the 19th century. 

How do you say it? 


Where can I buy some? 

Bakeries in Burgundy are a good bet. In the UK, Ocado does a box of mini-gougères and in the USA, check out Playflight Farm & Bakery, a Cottage Food Operation in Lake County, California, run by an American woman and her French husband. They sells gougères in the local area but they say they can deliver to neighbouring counties too. Or you could pay them a visit in person! 

Can I make them at home? 

Absolument! Choux pastry may sound intimidating but it’s actually very easy to make so long as you follow the recipe faithfully. They’re best served warm, straight from the oven. If you fancy getting, well, fancy, you could add chives or a pinch of cayenne pepper to the dough, or add fillings such as ham or pâté. They freeze well, too, so you can stash some in the freezer and just heat them through before serving for fluster-free hosting. 

Where can I find out more? 

The aforementioned Guilde des Goûteurs de Gougères is a good place to start. They have a Facebook page and a website and are “dedicated to the promotion of the Gougère Bourguignonne”. 

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