Serves: 4
Preparation: 30 minutes
Sick of turkey? Try something different over the festive period with this elegant trout dish – it’s the perfect chance to show off your plating skills.
- 400g carrots
- 100g Abondance cheese
- 2 trout fillets
- 2 shallots
- 25 cl fish stock
- 10 cl single cream
- 40g buckwheat seeds
- 5 cl olive oil
- 2g ground nutmeg
- 3g curry powder
1Peel the carrots, cut them into pieces.
2Peel and chop the shallots.
3Sweat the shallots in a hot saucepan with the oil, add the carrots, a pinch of salt and water to cover, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes.
4Put the carrots in a blender, add the nutmeg and curry and mix until you have a puree. Adjust the seasoning if necessary.
5Grate the Abondance and arrange it spread out in a frying pan to form small tuiles.
6Take the fish stock, well mixed and with any lumps removed, and emulsify it.
7Cut the trout fillets in half lengthwise and cook them on the skin side only.
8Turn them over onto a plate, with the skin on top – as they rest, they will finish cooking.
9Roast the buckwheat seeds.
To serve
1On a plate, make two dashes with the carrot puree, arrange the trout fillet between the two and place the Abondance tuile on top; sprinkle with buckwheat seeds and, at the last moment, add the emulsion. Serve immediately.
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