Serves 6
A twist on the classic Salmon en Papillote, this recipe can easily be prepared the day before, making it perfect for a dinner party.
En papillotte directly translates to “in paper”; it is a technique that gently cooks using built up steam trapped either in a piece of parchment paper or aluminium foil, resulting in softer vegetables, meat or fish.
- 350g (12oz) raw beetroot, trimmed but not peeled
- 8 tbsp olive oil
- 175g (6oz) basmati and wild rice
- 4 tbsp Bonne Maman Blackcurrant Conserve
- Juice of 2 large lemons
- 3 shallots, finely chopped
- 6 salmon fillets, weighing about 150g (5oz) each, skin on
- 3 tbsp chopped fresh dill
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper
- Soured cream & lime wedges to serve
1Preheat the oven to 200°C (fan oven 180°C), gas mark 6. Cut 6 large sheets of baking parchment/paper (if not to hand, use aluminum foil instead) about 30cm (12in) square.
2Put the beetroot on a large sheet of foil and drizzle over 1 tbsp of the olive oil with plenty of seasoning. Scrunch the foil into a ‘bag’ so that the beetroot is completely sealed, and cook in the preheated oven for 1 hour or until the beetroot is very tender.
3Meanwhile, cook the basmati and wild rice according to the packet instructions. Drain well and leave to cool.
4Whisk together 4 tbsp of the remaining olive oil with the conserve and lemon juice and season well.
5Peel and dice the cooked beetroot and stir into the blackcurrant mixture. Fry the shallots in the remaining olive oil until soft and golden and add to the beetroot.
6Season the salmon with plenty of salt and pepper. Increase the heat under the pan and add the salmon, skin side down, for 1 minute to brown, then remove from the pan and leave to cool.
7Fork the beetroot mixture through the cooked rice with the dill and divide between the cut sheets of parchment. Top with the salmon and crunch the paper to form a ‘bag’. Tie with fine string to seal.
To cook:
8Place the parcels on a baking sheet and cook in the oven for 12-15 mins, depending on the thickness of the fillets. Serve immediately with soured cream and lime wedges.
Recipe originally from Bonne Maman website.