Home Regions Corsica


This Mediterranean island’s cuisine is a delightful blend of French and Italian influences, with a strong emphasis on local ingredients and traditional preparation methods.

Corsica’s reputation for exceptional charcuterie is well-deserved. The island’s skilled artisans produce a variety of cured meats that are celebrated throughout France and beyond. Figatellu, a flavorful sausage made from pork liver and seasoned with garlic and wine, is a local favorite. Equally prized are lonzu, a lean cured pork loin, and coppa, a delicately spiced cured meat often enjoyed as an appetizer.

Brocciu, often called the national cheese of Corsica, is a soft, creamy cheese made from whey and either goat’s or sheep’s milk. It’s used in both savoury and sweet dishes, including the popular dessert fiadone, a cheesecake-like treat.

Along the coast, seafood takes center stage, with specialties like aziminu, Corsica’s answer to bouillabaisse, delighting visitors and locals alike.